New highlights in the anniversary edition of ISGUS NEWS

The ISGUS family is celebrating a small anniversary with the publication of the 50th issue of ISGUS NEWS. Our special issue is packed with exciting articles that will bring you closer to the latest developments, trends and technologies.

The following exciting content is waiting to be read by you:

The highlights of our ISGUS IMPULS Digital webinars
In this issue, we take a look at the highlights of this year's ISGUS IMPULS Digital webinars in autumn. Markus Vaeth, the leading expert in the field of New Work, will fill the digital events with important and interesting content alongside our internal speakers. Our two webinars will be moderated by the high-profile presenter Stefan Kuehlein. In the current issue of ISGUS NEWS, you will receive further important insights into the dates and topics of the webinars and can register in advance.

Funding opportunities for digital solutions such as our Workforce Management
We will also introduce you to exciting  funding programmes that can help you finance your digital transformation projects. These funding opportunities offer you a great opportunity to realise your innovation projects and take your business to the next level.

Safety and innovation with the ZEUS® mobile app
We are paying particular attention to the evacuation function of the ZEUS® mobile app. Our new video gives you a direct insight into the functions and areas of application of our mobile app.

Efficient solutions, unlimited possibilities - with digital Workforce Management
Find out how the seamless integration of our digital Time and Attendance with HR Management and transparent Staff Scheduling can help you optimise your work processes and increase efficiency. Our comprehensive solution gives you the flexibility and control you need to manage your workforce effectively.

A big thank you to our readers
We would like to thank all our loyal readers who have accompanied us on this journey. Your interest and support are the driving force behind our continuous development and improvement.

Stay inspired with the 50th edition of ISGUS NEWS.